cuphones und co. " C U P h o n e " installation 2002 mirko kubein CUPhone is a piece about communication. It only works when two people become active. they have to hold the line very tight to communicate. While they are talking, they can see each other. CUPhone is available in three variable lengths for different situations and different relationships. Buy now! " V O L K S E M P F Ä N G E R " installation 2002 mirko kubein, combined with "NIHON RADIO" by sebastian seidel and marc wallowy What does it mean when you have a big bucket with lines to many other smaller buckets? What does it mean when the big bucket is screaming and grunting? What does it mean when the smaller buckets are noodlecups? VOLKSEMPFÄGER (publicreceiver) was called the radio receiver spreaded out by the nazis during the third reich. It was only for sending propaganda. Except the children everybody knows: Do not eat waste! Why don't we remember that? am 12.10.2002 um 6:58, schrieb splammo:
Volksempfänger find ich echt super! Find ich isn echt gutes Ausstellungsstück. Bin voll gespannt auf die Ausstellung! |
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